“The U.S. oil, natural gas and chemicals (OG&C) industry slashed 107,000 jobs from March to August 2020, the fastest rate of layoffs in the industry’s history.” (1)
“US O&G companies laid off about 14% of permanent employees in 2020, and our research shows that 70% of jobs lost during the pandemic may not come back by the end of 2021.” (2)
I hope you’re one of the lucky ones to keep your job in 2020. I know many people who aren’t so lucky. The oilfield has shed over a hundred thousand jobs in 2020, and the majority of those jobs aren’t coming back anytime soon. In the near term, the situation will likely get worse due to increasing M&A activity, which often leads to redundant jobs being eliminated.
What does that mean for our unemployed friends? For those who need to work, it likely means a pivot to other industries. Clean energy is often listed as the silver bullet to all energy job losses. BUT WAIT. It’s not like clean energy is booming either.
“According to the monthly report, three out of every four clean energy workers who lost their jobs at the beginning of the crisis remain out of work. At the current rate of recovery, it would take more than 18 months for the sector to reach pre-COVID employment levels, and until 2023 to meet the sector’s projected 2020 job growth as calculated before the pandemic hit.” (3)
I’ve spent almost 20 years working in the oil & gas industry. This industry is like family. The jobless situation is dire, and our friends are hurting. It’s going to take a strong League of volunteers to get everyone thru.
Can you give help? Join our League of Service. I’m looking for volunteers who can help our friends in need.
- Do you have experience in HR/recruiting/resume writing etc. Volunteer a few minutes a week reviewing resumes and giving feedback on content.
- Have you successfully pivoted to another industry? Coach/mentor someone with a similar background as yours. Help job seekers understand how to crack into your industry.
- Are you in a company/industry that is hiring? Serve as an advocate for transitioning oil & gas workers.
- Are you an influencer/connector within oil & gas? Share open positions with me.
- Are you a professional career coach or recruiter who wants to pitch in? Let’s talk.
- Fund the cause. 501c3 status is pending, and we could use tax deductible donations to subsidize professional services for long-term unemployed friends who need more help than volunteers can provide.
Start your volunteer journey by submitting interest on the “Give Help” tab.
1. https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/pages/about-deloitte/articles/press-releases/deloitte-study-future-of-work-oil-gas-chemicals.html
2. https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/pages/energy-and-resources/articles/oil-and-gas-industry-outlook.html
3. https://www.altenergymag.com/news/2020/11/12/24000-clean-energy-jobs-added-in-october-leaving-454000-unemployed-after-months-of-federal-inaction-/34074/